Socket Preservation
Preserving Your Jaw Bone after Extraction Removal of teeth is sometimes necessary because of pain, infection, bone loss, or due to a fracture in the tooth. The bone that holds the tooth in place (the socket) is often damaged by disease and/or infection, resulting in a deformity of the jaw after the tooth is extracted. In addition, […]
Nerve Repositioning
Lower Jaw Dental Implants The inferior alveolar nerve, which gives feeling to the lower lip and chin, may need to be moved in order to make room for the placement of dental implants in the lower jaw. A nerve repositioning procedure is limited to the lower jaw and may be indicated when teeth are missing in the […]
About Bone Grafting
What is Bone Grafting? Over a period of time, the jaw bone associated with missing teeth atrophies and is reabsorbed. This often leaves a condition in which there is poor quality and quantity of bone suitable for the placement of dental implants. In these situations, most patients are not candidates for the placement of dental […]
Jawbone Loss and Deterioration
Jawbone Specialist & Oral Surgeon in FLushing NY The following are the most common causes for jawbone deterioration and loss that may require a bone grafting procedure: Tooth Extractions When an adult tooth is removed and not replaced, jawbone deterioration may occur. Natural teeth are embedded in the jawbone and stimulate the jawbone through activities such as chewing and biting. When teeth […]
Jaw Bone Health
What happens if you have Jawbone Loss? When one or more teeth are missing it can lead to bone loss at the site of the gap. This loss of jaw bone can develop into additional problems, both with your appearance and your overall health. You may experience pain, problems with your remaining teeth, altered facial appearance, and […]
Sinus Lift
Sinus lift surgery, also known as sinus augmentation, is a specialized dental procedure designed to enhance your upper jaw’s bone mass. This surgery is often necessary for patients who lack sufficient bone height in the upper jaw or whose sinuses are too close to the jaw for dental implants to be placed. Our oral surgeons […]
How Bone Grafting Can Increase the Success Rate of Dental Implants
Dental implants, today’s most preferred tooth replacement method, has a national success rate of 98%. Tried and true, tested and proven, implant teeth seldom let you down. But what if you could bump those incredible stats up even higher? Bone grafting is a technique used by oral surgeons to build up your jawbone, the foundation for your dental implants, […]
Dental Bone Grafts and Why You May Need One
If bone grafting sounds like a complicated and scary procedure, rest assured it’s simple, safe, and one of our top oral surgical services at our Flushing, NY office. Chances are, you’re wondering about bone grafts because your dentist suggested you replace your missing tooth with a dental implant. And you’ve visited your oral surgeon who says you […]
When Do You Need a Bone Graft?
Bone grafts are essential for replacing missing or damaged bone in your jaw. Whether a cavity has reduced your tooth to an empty, gummy space after an extraction, or gum disease has caused loose teeth, a bone graft can repair and rebuild the damaged bone needed to support a dental implant. Surrounding teeth can also become […]
Facts About Bone Grafting
Modern bone grafts can be used to fix a number of dental and facial issues and are often required. Dental implants often cannot be placed without first getting a bone graft. If you are considering getting dental implants or think you’re in need of a bone graft, here are some things you may want to know! Bone […]