Why Wisdom Teeth Removal is Sometimes Necessary and What to Expect

If you just found out that wisdom teeth removal might be necessary, don’t worry! Getting your wisdom teeth removed is entirely normal and usually occurs between 17 and 25. Most people don’t have enough space in their mouth for an extra set of molars, so your dentist may recommend removing your wisdom teeth to avoid dental health complications.

Learn everything you need to know about getting your wisdom teeth removed. Find out why most dentists and oral surgeons highly recommend wisdom teeth removal as soon as they emerge. And see what to expect down the road if you decide to keep your wisdom teeth.

Why Wisdom Teeth Removal is Necessary and What You Should Expect

Wisdom teeth removal is necessary to prevent damage to your healthy teeth and jaw. Technically, you can keep your wisdom teeth if they are unimpacted when they emerge. To keep them, they must be healthy and fully erupt without disturbing any other healthy teeth or causing pain. Additionally, you must be able to efficiently and effectively clean the third molars if you don’t want them extracted.

Your dentist will likely recommend an extraction, regardless of whether they are impacted or not, when the teeth emerge. Wisdom teeth are trouble-makers, and there is no good reason to keep them in the first place. Humans no longer have an anatomical need for a third set of molars and keeping them puts you at risk for a host of problems down the road.

Impaction, Infection, and Decay

The vast majority of the time, wisdom teeth do not have enough space to grow without causing complications. An impacted wisdom tooth becomes trapped and unable to fully emerge from the gums. It erupts at an odd angle, sometimes appearing out of the side of the gums, which can lead to oral infections and cysts.

Partially-emerged wisdom teeth also pose a risk of infection because they are challenging to keep clean. Teeth that have not fully emerged leave avenues for bacteria to invade below the gum line and attack the roots of your teeth. Even if your wisdom teeth appear without complication, they can still be hard to reach with your toothbrush and eventually become the gateway to gum disease, gingivitis, and tooth decay.

The Sooner, the Better for Wisdom Teeth Removal

When it comes to removing your wisdom teeth: the sooner, the better. Wisdom teeth usually emerge in your teens or early twenties. The molars do not yet have strong roots connecting them to your jawbone when they arrive. As you age, the roots of your wisdom teeth grow stronger in their bond with the jawbone. The roots are fully developed by your late twenties to early thirties, and extraction is more complex.

Is wisdom teeth removal necessary for you?

Keeping your wisdom teeth is a choice you should make with your dentist if the molars are healthy. If you experience pain, cysts, tooth decay, gum disease, or repeated infections behind your back teeth, your dentist will recommend immediately removing your wisdom teeth. Call our office to schedule a consultation and determine if wisdom teeth removal is necessary for you.

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