Full Arch Dental Implants in Queens and Long Island NY
Have you been making the most of your dentures even though they continue to cause you problems? Dentures are a serviceable means to replacing a full arch of missing teeth, but nothing compares to the far superior treatment of full arch dental implants.
Why are full arch dental implants the best option? Without question, dental implants are the most modern, effective, and permanent teeth replacement method when it comes to replacing a full arch of missing teeth. For most of our patients, the comfort and security they provide outweigh any positive element one might find in dentures.
At Flushing Oral Surgery – Dental Implants, our doctors are the experts at teeth replacement, and they are prepared to meet with you and help you decide what would be the best fit for your unique situation. Here are some facts to think about while considering the next steps:
Traditional Dentures
Traditional removable dentures, one of the most common methods for full-arch teeth replacements, are designed to resemble a full set of teeth that sit upon a healthy gum line. Made of a plastic base and ceramic restorations, dentures create a seal with the natural gum line which holds them in place.
Adhesives help dentures from shifting, but eating hard, chewy, and sticky foods tend to cause the dentures to slip or fall out despite the bonding’s extra security.
For optimal results, special care should be taken to prevent dentures from breaking, chipping, and staining. Dentures must be removed each night, brushed with a soft-bristled toothbrush, and soaked in a cleaning solution.
Full Arch Dental Implants
Much like dentures, full arch dental implants are used to replace a complete upper or lower arch of teeth. What makes full arch dental implants more popular is the way in which they provide a fixed, natural-looking smile. With only 4-6 strategically placed implants, we can permanently replace an arch of up to twelve teeth that doesn’t slip or shift position. We typically perform this procedure in alignment with a dental bridge or overdenture to ensure complete aesthetic restoration.
The care required for dental implants—to maintain their health and success—is the same as that which you provide for your natural teeth. If you grind your teeth at night, continue to wear a nightguard. Keep up on your routine dental check-ups. During those appointments, we will keep an eye on the implants’ stability, examine the health of your jawbone and gum tissues, and check for any minor cracks or chips. And finally, carry on with your usual excellent oral hygiene by brushing and flossing regularly.
Things to Consider
When you’re choosing between dentures and dental implants for a full arch of teeth, consider the following:
- The durability of each treatment
- The stability of each treatment
- The care required of each treatment
For many reasons, full arch dental implants are usually the far better choice for replacing missing teeth, most importantly the way in which they naturally resemble a full mouth of beautiful, healthy teeth that last a lifetime.