The Cost of Dental Implants

How much do dental implants cost? Dr. Li and Dr. Fan know that when deciding between dental implants and alternative tooth replacement methods, there’s a lot to think about. That’s why we offer you this guide – a list of things to consider when making an informed decision about options for replacing your teeth. Implants Last Longer Fact: […]

The Cost of Wisdom Teeth Extraction

How much does wisdom teeth removal cost in Flushing NY? Every patient’s situation is different, which is why we have a consultation with you prior to the surgery. This allows us to present any possible costs upfront, and help you decipher your insurance benefits. Factors that affect wisdom teeth cost: Anesthesia Used Dental Imaging Number […]

Wisdom Tooth Removal Information for Parents

Choosing the Right Oral Surgeon for your Child As oral surgery specialists with extensive training and experience, we are able to offer a different kind of “wisdom teeth experience” to our patients and their families. We are with you every step of the way and pay extra attention to the most critical parts of your […]

Wisdom Teeth Removal Information For Patients

You’ve been told you need your wisdom teeth out. What’s next? The removal of wisdom teeth is a routine procedure in our office, but it probably doesn’t feel that way to you. For many of our patients, just hearing the words “surgery” and “extraction” tends to bring up some fears. Dr. Li and Dr. Fan want you to know that wisdom teeth […]

5 Ways Parents Can Prepare Children for Wisdom Teeth Removal

As you and your child prepare for your child’s wisdom teeth removal, they may be nervous. Begin by reminding them that wisdom teeth removal is a common procedure that we do every day in our office. Assure them that they have nothing to worry about. Tell them that you have received all the instructions you need […]

Updated Patient Safety Measures at Our Office

Infection control has always been extremely important to us at Flushing Oral Surgery and Dental Implants. We assure you that we will continue to adhere to all infection control recommendations made by the American Dental Association (ADA), the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and New […]

Sinus Lift

Sinus lift surgery, also known as sinus augmentation, is a specialized dental procedure designed to enhance your upper jaw’s bone mass. This surgery is often necessary for patients who lack sufficient bone height in the upper jaw or whose sinuses are too close to the jaw for dental implants to be placed. Our oral surgeons […]

Bone Grafting: Laying the Groundwork for Dental Implants

In order to place a dental implant, there must first be adequate jawbone. Without sufficient bone mass, the dental implant is more likely to fail early or have trouble fusing with the existing bone at all. For this reason, bone grafting is sometimes required before the implant is placed. Read our latest blog post on “Dental […]

Full Mouth Dental Implants

Full-Arch Replacements: New Smiles in One Day For those missing all of their upper or lower teeth, dental implants offer a range of secure and comfortable tooth replacement options. With the right implant treatment plan, even patients with no remaining teeth can enjoy the confidence, function, and quality of life that comes with a strong, […]

Dental Bone Grafts and Why You May Need One

If bone grafting sounds like a complicated and scary procedure, rest assured it’s simple, safe, and one of our top oral surgical services at our Flushing, NY office. Chances are, you’re wondering about bone grafts because your dentist suggested you replace your missing tooth with a dental implant. And you’ve visited your oral surgeon who says you […]

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