3 Unexpected Symptoms of Wisdom Teeth Problems

Most patients who need their wisdom teeth removed experience common symptoms of wisdom teeth problems, including:

  • Inflamed or red gums
  • Tooth pain
  • Jaw pain
  • Swelling in or around the jaw
  • Tender, bleeding gums (especially after brushing or flossing)
  • An impacted or partially emerged wisdom tooth

However, some patients may have painful and worrying symptoms that, at first glance, don’t seem connected to their wisdom teeth. These symptoms should never be ignored, particularly if you have checked other causes for your pain and have not found a diagnosis or a successful treatment plan.

Migraine-Like Headaches

Migraines are debilitating headaches that are much worse than a common tension headache. They often do not respond to over-the-counter medications and can recur for days, weeks, or even months. The pain may be so intense you are unable to work or participate in daily activities. If this is the case for you, an appointment with a neurologist should be your first step.

If your neurologist does not find a brain-related issue or other cause of your migraine pain, it could be your wisdom teeth. In some patients who already suffer migraines, wisdom teeth can put additional pressure on specific nerves and worsen the pain.

TMJ Pain

Jaw pain, particularly in the temporomandibular joint that attaches the lower jawbone to the skull, can signify any number of issues. For some, the pain is triggered by wisdom teeth erupting or shifting within the jawbone, putting pressure against the other teeth and causing inflammation.

If wisdom teeth cause or contribute to TMJ pain, removing them can take the strain off the joint and improve occlusion (the way your upper and lower teeth fit together). Patients with TMJ symptoms may have to wear a mouthguard or undergo additional treatment after wisdom teeth removal, as TMJ disorder is complex and often has several contributing factors.


Earaches are usually the result of disease or infection in the ear canal. If you’ve already seen your physician and your pain is not caused by either of these factors, you should have your wisdom teeth checked. A primary nerve (the inferior alveolar nerve) runs through the back of the jawbone and the ear area.

If your wisdom teeth are impacted, it triggers nerve pain that feels like an earache, causing throbbing pain or a deep ache. Severely impacted wisdom teeth can also cause pressure in the ears. Removing your wisdom teeth takes the pressure off the inferior alveolar nerve and reduces inflammation that may also contribute to ear pain.

Never Ignore Pain

Facial and skull pain of any kind, whether it is a headache, toothache, or jaw pain, should be evaluated as soon as possible. If your doctor or dentist believes impacted wisdom teeth may be causing your pain, an appointment with Flushing Oral Surgery and Implants for an evaluation is your next step. To schedule a consultation to discuss your wisdom teeth, call our office.

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