If you’ve scheduled dental implant surgery, you’re on the path to an abundant life that will include eating, smiling, and laughing to the fullest. You’ve learned that dental implants are the best teeth replacement option available. And thanks to their durability and permanence, they provide the closest match to natural teeth in both appearance and function.
But when it comes to the healing part of implant placement, it’s important to keep in mind that implant surgery is a slightly invasive procedure that requires the right care to achieve optimal results and a smooth recovery. Read on to learn about the most important facts concerning dental implant recovery, what to expect during the process, and how to make the most of those days following surgery.
1. Implant surgery is a process.
It’s crucial to take a deep breath and settle in for the long haul when it comes to implant surgery. There are several steps, and for the best results, you won’t want to rush any of them.
The first and most involved part of the process is when we place the implant, a screw, into your jaw. Immediately, the implant will begin to settle into the jaw and the surrounding bone will grow around and fuse with it. But this takes time. Once the 3-4-month healing period has been completed, your dentist will place the permanent crown on the implant, and they may place a temporary one to get you through the waiting period, especially if the implant is near the front of your mouth. The screw acts as a root for your new artificial tooth, so complete integration with the bone is necessary.
2. Different factors extend the progression of implant placement.
A variety of additional treatments, such as extractions, bone and gum grafts, and sinus treatments, are needed for maximum success, but these lengthen the implant process and its recovery. For example, if we build up your jawbone with a bone graft to ensure sufficient mass and support for the new tooth, you’ll be looking at at least four additional months overall.
The more implants we place, the longer the recovery. When we place three or fewer implants, our patients are typically packed to their everyday routine within 24-48 hours. However, if you were to get a full arch of implants or even several implants at once, you’d need to set aside at least three days to rest and recover. We encourage you to schedule enough time off so that complete healing can take place.
3. Some pain, swelling, and bruising is normal.
Expect a small amount of discomfort as you come out of surgery, and don’t be alarmed if you experience some bleeding. These symptoms are a normal part of the healing process and are easy to manage with the right post-operative care. We are happy to prescribe pain medication if over-the-counter pain killers, such as Tylenol and ibuprofen, don’t do the trick. If your symptoms increase or worsen, call us right away.
Ready to schedule a dental implant consultation?
When you come in for a consultation and schedule a dental implant surgery, we will review with you all post-operative instructions and medications. We understand that every patient is unique and personalize treatment plans accordingly. From there, we are able to guide you in making the most of your recovery period to ensure optimal healing and excellent results.